- Custom certificates are a useful product that can be generated out of
Composz for academics, sports, etc.
- customize even more easily with pictures of the recipient
- creating a single page certificate or certificate folders are quite easy,
convenient and fast in
- can reuse the photos of the students taken for composites or picture booklets
- in the example, the certificate carries the photos of the students

- easily create different designs for different students or occasions

- use preset templates or create your own designs easily

Composz can generate lots of certificates in minutes
sample data and images required to create certificates
- students id list
bring images
for the
- class
- section
- student_name
- student_image (filename)
In Composz it will cost $1.15 to download the soft copy of a certificate having 1 page.
As such, schools can try unlimited design options until satisfactory design is achieved.
In Composz there is no cost to build and preview any products.
To master Composz, you only have to learn to compose a single page.

All the pages follow the same guidelines like that single page.
sample certificate
sample certificate
Custom Certificates